Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chapter Books

Our picks...

Reading for us has gotten better as we've started to read chapter books.  Here are some of the books that we enjoyed reading...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Black Beauty...  at one point, Hadley exclaimed, "I like this story because the HORSE is telling it!"

Tony's Picks

A Books to Read List

I haven't read these yet, but my smart, funny, amazing friends suggested them, so I will!

Holly's Pics

Picture Books We Love

Our Picks

Anything by Mo Willems.  Our treasured friend, Donna Decker, gave Hadley her first Mo Willems book.  They're fun.

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog

Anything with a Llama...

Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Okay, this is one of Hadley's favorites.  Not a good one to read together, but a lot of fun if you need to occupy someone in the car.  I think she laughed for 20 minutes at the kid picking her nose on the cover.


Sticky People

I like that this book shows kids being kids, playing outside, getting muddy...

Hadley loves this book.  I think it's amusing and I like the illustrations.

Michelle's Picks

The Rhyming Dustbunnies Books

Lee's Picks

Bev's Picks

Little Little Kid Books

Here are some books that I've read about 1,000,000 times that I wouldn't mind reading again.

Each Peach Pear Plum

Dinosaur's Binket

Goodnight, Sweet Butterflies

Worst Offender List

Do you have a story that you despise reading?  Let me know!

On my list...

Disney's "The Desert Race."  Sexism!  Disobedient children!  Reading Agrabah and Zagrabah over and over!

Pinkalicious, Goldalicious, Anythingalicious.  Why are these children so snotty?  Why is the vocabulary so awkward?

Anything by Todd Parr.  The message is good.  The execution makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

To quote my friend Holly, "All 250 Magic Fairies."  I like that these books have two girls who go on adventures.  I don't like that they all follow the same formula.   They get boring fast.  Hadley does like reading them on her own, though.

Making Bedtime Better...

Sometimes I love bedtime and sometimes I hate it, and it all depends on the story that we're reading.  Hadley is happy with most anything that we read.  In fact, Hadley has requested more than once that I read her this:

Which is great, sort of.  And in full disclosure, I did buy this book for her at a garage sale because I do want her to have a wide variety of books to read.  That being said, we just started reading the first Harry Potter book, and I'm enjoying it, too!

Because there are some great kids books, and even more terrible ones, I'd like to start a list of books that will make bedtime awesome and not awful.

If you have a suggestion or review, facebook me, send it to, or leave a comment and I'll add it to the blog!