Saturday, January 19, 2013

Picture Books We Love

Our Picks

Anything by Mo Willems.  Our treasured friend, Donna Decker, gave Hadley her first Mo Willems book.  They're fun.

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog

Anything with a Llama...

Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Okay, this is one of Hadley's favorites.  Not a good one to read together, but a lot of fun if you need to occupy someone in the car.  I think she laughed for 20 minutes at the kid picking her nose on the cover.


Sticky People

I like that this book shows kids being kids, playing outside, getting muddy...

Hadley loves this book.  I think it's amusing and I like the illustrations.

Michelle's Picks

The Rhyming Dustbunnies Books

Lee's Picks

Bev's Picks

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